Status of equipment owned by us

Part Measurement devices Number of units Data being measured Model name Specifications table Notes
Capable of computer numerical control Scanning Non-contact Contact
Measurement unit Manufacturer Installation date
1 3D coordinate measurement device One Unit Squareness, Profile, Position, R, Cylindricity, Roundness, Concentricity, Length, Angle CRYS
TA-Apex V776
O O O O 0.0001 Mitutoyo April 2021
2 Device to measure physical shapes One Unit R, Difference in heights, A point of intersectio, Length SV_C3200 O X X O 0.0001 Mitutoyo February 2020
3 Measurement device of surface profile One Unit Surface profile C_3000 X X X O Ra, Rz, Rt Mitutoyo February 2020
4 Vision tester One Unit Squareness, Roundness, Concentricity, R, Length, Angle QVP3020T O X O O 0.001 Long-Tian February 2020
5 Projector One Unit Roundness, Concentricity, R, Length, Angle PJ-R300 X X O X 0.001mm Mitutoyo December 2018
6 Micro Vickers hardness tester One Unit Testing hardness at each surface level HM-100 X X X X HV Mitutoyo May 2021
7 Rockwell hardness tester One Unit Surface hardness DTR-300N X X X X HRC, HRA, HRB Daekyung Tech July 2020