
  • Production facilities owned by us

    Part Production capacity Number of units Major products Ancillary facilities Facilities Notes
    Small 60 ton Twelve units Disc, Washer Uncoiler, Reel stand, MICRO NC FEEDER Securing manufacturing capacity for various products with the general C-type high-speed press Installed are a sensor to detect foreign substances, a touch sensor, and a sensor to detect passing substances as well as bending of materials
    Medium-sized 60~200 ton Five units Washer, Bracket Uncoiler, Reel stand, MICRO NC FEEDER
    Large 200~400 ton Five units Anchor, Cap, Bracket NC leveler A knuckle H-type press applies pressure at a specified level and provides excellent quality assurance to produce products as specified in drawings and sectional drawings.
    Monthly capacity Twenty two units The average number of pressure application in a month 30,000,000
  • Status of facilities owned by us

    NO Names of equipment Manufacturers Dates when we received the equipment Quantities Notes
    1 KNUCKLE 60 TON Hanil Press 2016.10 4
    2 KNUCKLE 80 TON Hanil Press 2016.10 1
    3 HKCA 100 TON Hanil Press 2016.10 1
    4 HNCP 160 TON Hanul Press 2016.10 1
    5 CS 200 TON Ssangyong Press 2016.10 1
    6 JSKJ 200 TON J&H Press 2020.04 1
    7 CS 250 TON Ssangyong Press 2015.09 1
    8 HKD-300 TON HIM 2022.09 1
    9 HDKJ 400 TON J&H Press 2020.02 1
  • Status of machine equipment

    NO Name of equipment Manufacturers Dates when we received the equipment Quantities Notes
    1 Milling machine Namsun Machinery 2018.04 1
    2 Rack Namsun Machinery 2018.04 1
    3 Grinder to form shapes Jinsan 2018.04 1
    4 Grinder to form shapes Jinyoung 2018.04 2
    5 Grinder to form shapes Jinyoung 2020.01 2
    6 Grinder with a flat surface Youil Grinding Machine 2020.01 1
    7 Dry cooler SMD KOREA 2019.02 1
    8 Compressor Sung Shin Machinery 2019.02 2
    9 NC ROLL FEEDER Young Rim Machine 2016.10 8
    10 UNCOIL LEVELLER Young Rim Machine 2016.10 4
    11 NC LEVELLER FEEDER Young Rim Machine 2019.02 1
    12 NC LEVELLER FEEDER Young Rim Machine 2020.02 1